Monday, August 25, 2008


Life is all about loving.
It is not difficult to give love
What is difficult is to get love
You keep SEARCHING for the one who loves "YOU"
And ironically, they FIND you.
If you are blessed, you will identify them
As the one, who, you were searching for
If not, you sob the rest of your life.
You will keep searching
However, you will never find them
Until they find you
Life is all about loving and losing.

Deep down my heart

Deep down my heart
There is always a thought

I may laugh, sing and dance
For people who look at me in a glance

Not even people who are close
Will know a hint of the pain I chose

I smile to make them believe
The joy in my eyes, they deceive

To love is a pleasure
To love and lose is a treasure

I may sob, feel hurt and lonely
And want more, as it is heavenly

I enjoy this incurable pain
As I get it in your lovely name

All I have to tell you
Is that, I still, love you.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

நீ இல்லாத நான்

அலை இல்லாத கடல்

ஆசை இல்லாத மனிதன்

இறக்கை இல்லாத பறவை

உதிரம் இல்லாத இதயம்

ஊன் இல்லாத உடல்

ஒலி இல்லாத தீபம்

ஓசை இல்லாத இசை

மணம் இல்லாத மலர்

மேகம் இல்லாத மழை

வண்ணம் இல்லாத வானவில்

நிலா இல்லாத பௌர்ணமி

இவை போல் தான்

நீ இல்லாத நான்.


திக்கு தெரியாத காட்டில், சிறகுடைந்த பறவையாய் வீழ்ந்திருக்கிறேன்.

சிறகாய் வருவாயா,திசை கான்பிப்பாயா, காத்திருக்கிறேன்.


சிந்தனை செயல் அனைத்திலும் நீ,

வேதனை வளை விரித்தும் நீ,

எங்கிருந்து வந்தாய் என உனை கேட்டேன்

இதயமாய் இருந்தேன் என துடித்தும் நீ.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dedicated to Shanki & Naz

I was a bird.
A timid, wingless home bird.
I was alone in my nest.
Longing to fly in the clear blue sky.
But, how can I?
I don’t have wings nor do I have somebody to help me fly.
What can I do?
Just wait for WINGS.

On a warm sunny day,
From nowhere came a wing.
A single lovable wing, which fell into my nest.
It fitted me exactly, as if it was made for me.
I was happy as it gave me lots of strength.
My loneliness vanished.
I gained hope of flying in the sky.
I enjoyed the thought of being high.
With all hopes of flying,
I spattered my single wing heavily.
No way, I couldn’t go up an inch.
I tried repeatedly, but in vain.

Well, how can I fly with just one wing?
Mmmm… I was contended with what I got.
However my desires to fly high,
To be above the dark clouds,
To swing along with breeze was not fulfilled.

Then came another wing.
Not like the one which I got before.
It was of different size and colour,
but as lovable as the first one.
Surprisingly, this too fitted me exactly.
Maybe, this was also made for me.

Those rays of hope of flying was regained.
This time I felt more strong.
Now, I have two lovable wings to support me.
I swung both my dissimilar wings
And…… Whoohhh….. I was FLYING.
I almost reached heaven itself.
I could see the entire world under my feet.
I enjoyed being on top.
I could feel the wind carrying me swiftly,
I could listen the chirping of little blue birds,
I could see lush green trees all over,
I could cherish the purity of the atmosphere.
I could wander around the colors of the rainbow.

I am happy and contended as all my desires are fulfilled.
I am at cloud nine.
What more could I ask for?
I have the company of the two wings which gave meaning to my life.
I am thankful for it.

If ever, the Giver wants to take back something from me,
I would prefer giving up the power to fly than to lose my two wings.
I cannot afford it.
The loss would be unbearable, incurable.

The wings may turn useless if they don’t make me fly.
However, I cannot miss the strength and support they give me.
They drove out my loneliness.
I, without those wings would be unimaginable.

Now, I am a happy, colorful HOME bird.


When I am lost in your thoughts
Time passes very fast
How long will this continue?
May be till I forget you.
But that is never going to happen
Even if the entire universe shrinkens.

How will I???

How will I express my love to you?
If I had been a poet, I would have written it as words,
If I had been a painter, I would have stroked it as colours,
If I had been a singer, I would have sung it in my songs,
If I had been a cloud, I would have poured it as rain,
If I had been a tree, I would have blossomed it as flowers,
If I had been a bird, I would have chirped it as tunes,
If I had been a dog, I would have wagged it in my tail,
If I were wind, I would have blown it as breeze.
But, what am I?
A human being with all the delicate feelings of an ordinary woman.
If you were an ordinary man, you could have felt my true, deep, insane love through my eyes.
Are you not ordinary or are you pretending to be???


When I question about our relationship,
All I get is many question marks.
I never get answers
I only make assumptions
Why is this insanity?
I keep wondering…….
And all those Question marks
becomes a great Exclamatory mark.
This is the limit.
I am going to cease all this insanity by a BIG FULL STOP.
Oh No…… It has become a comma again.

The Dispute

Fate made us to meet
We both shared a beautiful relationship
I named it LOVE
You called it FRIENDSHIP
We even had a dispute over it
I said you will lose
You wished I should lose
However, both of us wanted the relationship to win
Days passed, moments last.
Its time for me to give up
Not the relationship,
But my stubbornness.
I accept that I have lost.
I am happy that our relationship has won
Let it be FRIENDSHIP as you said
Whatever name it may have, let it last FOREVER.


LOVE-It pricks as if broken glass pieces has been laid down your eyelids.
It burns as if you have gulped down a cup of hot acid
It pushes you into a thorny sea full of venom
It drenches you in fuming rain drops.
Yes, it hurts you, to cry with violent fears.
Yet, it teaches you, to SMILE with silent tears.